Friday 9 September 2016

My truce with peoplability.......

The science of human behavior is psychology. Yeah way to go girl, what a start. Phhtt! Well what I meant was, I am dedicating this article to psychology. Not exactly depicting the science of reading another person’s behavior but atleast trying to convince you that having some prowess in this field can be really handy. Why, how, what, where, are you nuts, will be answered in coming lines, I hope so!
Life is really unexpected right? It’s a series of train wrecks with breaks of happiness in between (you can look up the origin for this one yourself). My 26 years’ experience of people management (the fancy term for getting work out of people) made me realize that life is majorly unexpected because of people around you. Their tendency to act differently in different situations. This sheer randomness brings the rainbow in this otherwise gloomy life of ours (did you get the irony “sheer randomness”).
You know when you read a book and how the writer judges the character of other person just by his experience or some actions in her first meet. I always found it to be a superpower. Although, I am still struggling to find out, whether it’s a Superman or Batman kind of superpower. Are you just born with it, or learn it as you grow. Because for me, people always create this wall of disguise around them, and I constantly find myself jumping to just get a peek around. I knew I am not the superhero kind.
Let’s call understanding people with a simple term such as tagging. You know how you do it like ohh he’s an asshole, but she’s so gullible, yeah! He’s a complete jerk, so she’s just plain (yup being full time biased feminist here). Tagging can be done in many ways. Say when you are sitting in a meeting room with a bunch of strangers and you tag each of them registering their faces in your mind. This is the easiest form of tagging. The complexity comes when your first impression is not correct and you learn it the harder way, leading to guilt or anger.
I know what you are thinking, why to give so much importance to people in your life, I mean they anyways are not going to stay forever. So why waste so much time and energy in understanding them. I will give you a very simple explanation to this. In alignment with the notion of I don’t care what the world do or think about me, we are still on earth to do something before we die (even if it’s just squatting). This phenomenon of why we are born is easier to decipher when we try and understand the people around us. Affecting souls by simple gestures, bringing smiles on their dull faces, teaching them a lesson when they need it the most actually makes our existence a little more justified. Affect them and get affected by them through understanding each other. Not so simple now huh! Sorry got drifted away.
Please do not mistake me of travelling towards the dreaded humanitarian grounds here. I am talking about this in a very selfish kind of way. Trust me the feeling that comes when you guess someone’s behaviour is oddly satisfying. Imagine the power you possess, right. It brings that surreal calmness which can actually make people jealous.  Also, do not mistake it for being judgmental about anything. Understanding is quite an iterative process which requires patience and keen observation. You have to take in a lot before you come to a conclusion. The limits of same I leave on you.

In a nutshell, I would really love to have this satisfaction and calmness in my life. Just to have a little more control on this bizarre and berserk world around me full of little devils we call as humans (please see I am also one of them, so don’t get offended).

Monday 2 March 2015

the vulnerable ones....

Quoting Marilyn Monroe – I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”

Yeah I know not a good example to quote in a piece about woman strength. I mean she killed herself with depression at just 36. But I cannot help myself and think about her words.
Every quote she has written talk about her need for love and friendship. Everybody deserves love, being a male or female. But there is a big problem with us females. We do not understand the thin line between need for love and vulnerability.

From our childhood we are taken care of, first by fathers, then fathers and brothers, then fathers, brothers and husbands. I think this develops in us a constant urge to have someone nod on every decision, every move, every road we take. It takes a lot many years for us to finally come out of this bubble, may be when we are somewhere sitting with some grandchildren, Why?? Because hell yeah I have achieved something (rolling eyes).

As Monroe rightly points out, we all have our best and worst sides. We just need to be proud of them. Where men have this habit of disguising their worst in anger or silence, we the so called poor souls carry it around gaining sympathy and seeking help. Irrespective of our mother planet (as it is said men from Mars, women from Venus), we are all made of fear of loneliness, fear of negligence, fear of instability, but somehow it affects us more, because we seek the answers and solace outside rather than within us.

I have been always proud of being a woman, even after writing this article, because it makes me feel powerful in a very different way. We have the power to make this world move or put it to stagnation. We have the power to make it look beautiful and loving or send it to the depths of dullness. We have the power to make it worth living. And I am telling you such power and this vulnerability just does not go along. Damn, it makes us look confused.

One good thing though, there are so many examples to look forward to. The shining stars of our race, have been there, done that and most importantly amazed the world. I salute every woman who has the strength to walk alone, who understands the place of love and confidence in her life, who knows that she can make mistakes and learn from them on her own. I salute them and I follow them. Because vulnerability is not always the weakness, it is also the birthplace of innovation and change.

Tuesday 16 July 2013


A desire to achieve
A hope to conquer
A decision to prove
A step to deliver……….
An exception that is thought
An acceptance that has to be brought…...
The dreams are waiting to come true
The energy inside is passing through…………
The story would be told for ages to come
The unsung song that generations will hum……….


Saturday 6 April 2013


Life was never like this before……

Life has never shown such happiness so far…..

I don’t know what it took to say a yes…..

I don’t know how I felt that bliss…..

Sometimes you become the flower, blossoming me….

Often you are the star directing me…..

You are what I see in my mirror…..

You are much more to me than you appear……

I know I sound like I am in love……

But if it is……

I also know I never want to get it over……

Saturday 27 October 2012

My Confusion......


            Sometimes in some way I feel lost. "Lost" a big word. I mean how can you be lost when you have so many people to guide you forward, so many reasons to take you ahead. But then how can one describe the state of mind when everything seems rushing with you being stagnant, When you find yourself zeroing on something at sometime which becomes irrelevant little after and finally your grip on time looses.
                                     I know the lines itself seems confusing but what to do, "you are what your thoughts are". There should be some relief, some sunlight clearing my foggy mind. But sitting and waiting for the sunlight to appear will only make the fog denser. I can feel that the energy, the sunlight lies inside me. My strength, my determination can become the sunlight not only leading my path but also others like me. All I have to do is find it and I know I will, very soon...........

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Walking Alone......

You play
You play, you laugh, you pray to lord......
thinking life's all what u need....
but in the end all left is walking alone.....

You dream, you smile, you desire to be agile.....
thinking life's a bed of roses...
but in the end all left is walking alone....

You meet, you greet, you try to be sweet....
thinking your love will soften rocks....
but in the end all left is walking alone...

Walking Alone....
a thought to ponder, a dread in disguise....
why to pay our happiness as the price....

Walking Alone....
make it the strength.....
the world to wonder the source so distinct.....

Walking Alone....
becomes your way....