Saturday, 27 October 2012

My Confusion......


            Sometimes in some way I feel lost. "Lost" a big word. I mean how can you be lost when you have so many people to guide you forward, so many reasons to take you ahead. But then how can one describe the state of mind when everything seems rushing with you being stagnant, When you find yourself zeroing on something at sometime which becomes irrelevant little after and finally your grip on time looses.
                                     I know the lines itself seems confusing but what to do, "you are what your thoughts are". There should be some relief, some sunlight clearing my foggy mind. But sitting and waiting for the sunlight to appear will only make the fog denser. I can feel that the energy, the sunlight lies inside me. My strength, my determination can become the sunlight not only leading my path but also others like me. All I have to do is find it and I know I will, very soon...........

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Walking Alone......

You play
You play, you laugh, you pray to lord......
thinking life's all what u need....
but in the end all left is walking alone.....

You dream, you smile, you desire to be agile.....
thinking life's a bed of roses...
but in the end all left is walking alone....

You meet, you greet, you try to be sweet....
thinking your love will soften rocks....
but in the end all left is walking alone...

Walking Alone....
a thought to ponder, a dread in disguise....
why to pay our happiness as the price....

Walking Alone....
make it the strength.....
the world to wonder the source so distinct.....

Walking Alone....
becomes your way....